Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hunter's Preschool Graduation

Sorry my camara didn't record this very good. Hunter is in blue and green stripped shirt. I know it's blurry but you can kind of tell it's him. The sound turned out fine just not the recording. Sorry.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day!!

Hunter made this cute card for me at school. I Love that he thinks I am only 20 years old and 21 pounds. But he knows how to draw me, the black hair and all. Then he wrote his name on the back of the card and added a B for my name. I love it, thank you Hunter. I love you!

Hunter singing me a Mothers Day Song

I loved this Mothers Day song with the twist of Valentines and birthdays in his song. Thanks for the great Mothers Day Hunter and Bryton, I love being your mom and I love you all to pieces. You are the best kids anyone could ask for. I love that you give me gifts from your heart and the way you take your time to pick something special. The flowers were so great that you got and you did a great job picking them out. Hunter really knows what I like. I love you guys!!!