Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hunter turns 5

Hunter turned 5 on January 19 2009. I know I am a little slow at posting his b-day pictures but I wanted to wait until he had his birthday party.
Hunter invited some friends from preschool to his birthday party. We went to the fun park and played on the soft play, ate pizza, and had cake and ice cream and open presents. He had a great time, it was fun to see how excited he was to be with his friends having fun.
Hunter is a great boy and I love him very much. He is a great big brother and loves Bryton to death. These brothers have such a great bond that it is so neat to watch the both of them. Hunter has quite the personality. He is always on the go and always busy. He is a smart kid and loves working with his hands. He can't wait until he is big like his dad. I love his laugh and his hugs and kisses. There is so much to say about what a great kid he is but for now I will just say I love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday Hunter

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Scott and Amme said...

Happy Birthday Hunter! I can't believe he is 5.

Ericka said...

It looks like so much fun! I can't believe you have a five year certainly don't look old enough to! You have such a cute family!

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday Hunter! I can't believe hes 5 either! I remeber when you moved in and he wasnt quite 18 months. Where does the time go. It looks like he had a fun party.