Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bryton's 1st Shiner

Bryton got his first shiner the other day. He was crawling around on our bed and a pillow slid off of the bed and he hit his eye on our night stand. He got a huge goose egg at first and he wouldn't let us put ice on it. Over the next couple of days it turned into a bad black eye. I feel so bad for him. He seems to be doing well with it, and it doesn't seem to bother him. I am just sad cause it looks horrible and I was going to get his pictures done. I guess it will have to wait. My tuff little guy, I love ya...


Bre said...

so sad tough guy!

Jessica said...

ouch! Poor little guy, I hate it when your kids get hurt and you can't do anything to fix it! I guess you have a good story to tell, right?!

Ericka said...

Isn't it amazing that little kids survive childhood at all...esp. little boys! He is so cute Bonnie and he looks pretty tough too with the eye :)