Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Anniversary

It was our anniversary on Saturday. We have been married for 6 years. I can't believe it. It was a great day. So here is the funny story. Clay and I made plans for each other but didn't tell each other what we were doing so it would be a suprise. Clay was taking me to my suprise and as we are getting there I said we better tell each other what we planned because I have a feeling we planned the same thing. Well we did have the same thing planned. He took me and Hunter on a airplane ride and I was planning on a helicopter ride for us. The airplane ride was a blast we had so much fun. The helicopter ride did't work out because they had called me and said the helicopter broke so I was disappointed that my plans weren't working. So I decided we'd go to dinner. At dinner we happened to order the exact same thing. Too funny. Here is a little history of why this is funny. We Clay and I started dating, our first Christmas together, remind you we haven't known each other that long, anyway at Christmas we gave each other the exact same cd to each other. We joke about it once in awhile but after this weekend it was rather funny that we have the same likes or that we are insink with each other. I love ya lots Clay and can't wait for many more years with more of the same gifts. :) Thanks for a great anniversary, I love you!