Friday, October 10, 2008


We finally got moved. This past 2 weeks was a stressful and long, but we got through it. I packed up the house while doing daycare and taking care of my 2 boys. Not mention that after packing the house I moved with my 2 boys with just my sister and her family and my sister in law. Thanks Mom for watching my 2 boys on Sunday while Clay and I finished the rest. I felt bad for neglecting my boys and told my mom that I was excited to be a mom again. Along comes Monday and I am unpacking and doing daycare all over again. I finally got everything done. I am so glad that this week was a slow week. Anyway like I mention before we sold our townhouse and moved just down the street a ways. For now we are renting a townhouse. It is just one room smaller but we fit in it just fine. It was a great time to get rid of alot of crap. We filled our dumpster right after they came and emptied it. I hope our neighbors don't need to take their trash out!:) We have some good neighbors and some we could do with out. Clay and I were going through our garage and organizing our storge in there and all the little neighbor kids were out there snooping through our stuff and no parents were around watching them. There was this little almost 2 year that couldn't speak english and she wouldn't stay out of our stuff even after we asked her to leave it along. At one point she wanted me to bring this decoration that I had put in the house, back outside so she could play with it. Again her mom wasn't around. Then yesterday, I think it was her 3 year brother, hit Hunter on the forhead with a baseball. If you see me bald, you'll know why! We do like our new place though.

During our move we had no T.V for 3 days and no phone for 5 days or internet. I was ok with the no T.V. but man it was horrible not having a phone. I felt so out of the loop and couldn't talk to anyone. It's amazing how dependant you get. So finally we got out internet hooked up and phone and T.V. Our home number is still the same as it was before. So now I can update my blog with some new pictures of us. So incase any of you were wondering, I am still here, I haven't fallen of the earth yet. It's good to be back :0)


Ericka said...

Bonnie you simply amaze me with all the things you are able to get accomplished! I'm glad that you all got moved in and settled, I'm sure that was a stressful time for all of you but it does not surprise me how much you did I said you are wonder woman!


Cute new blog :) I love it! So are you still watching Niki's little girl in your daycare? How many kids do you care for?

I never knew you went through a scary relationship, were you working at BRASC at the time? I'm curious how you got out of it....


Please do email me, I'd love to hear about it.

My email is

Fill me in on everything that's taken place since I've last seen you.... gosh, how long ago was that??



I love your hair in your family photo! Are you still that blonde? You look beautiful.

Scott and Amme said...

I am glad your move went well. Good luck in the new place!

Niki said...

I am glad to hear things are getting back to normal:) Tailor is glad she is back and so am I.
Thank you for all you do for her!


Your picture is so cute, dang you look so good! How did you lose the weight so fast??

I got your email, I've been meaning to respond, but my eyes are funking out every time I get on my computer. I think I've been staring at the screen so much since I've been on bed rest, that they need a break.... I know that's weird...

I will respond soon though. I appreciate the things you said....